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Upper Body Toning Workout for Women

Written by Lauren Rae, CPT at TRYM Fitness

trx_i_workout_picDo you want shapely shoulders and a back to be proud of come tank-top season? How about the feeling of excitement when you realize you can now call your biceps “guns”? Well I have written a workout just for you! The following exercises target your arm muscles in addition to chest, back, shoulders and your entire core. Remember to always prepare with the correct pre-workout nutrition, warm up before your workout, and stay hydrated throughout and after your workout. Now get ready to tighten, tone, and firm your upper body!


On a suspension trainer like the TRX, begin with your feet hip-width apart and hands on the neoprene handles. Lean back and walk your feet in so that your upper body is in an incline position. With palms facing away from you and abs engaged, draw your arms straight up overhead creating an “I” with your body and slowly release down. Next bring your arms overhead a little wider in a “Y” like a cheerleader doing a high-V and release down. Finally, pull the back of your hands in line with your shoulders with arms straight out to your sides to make a “T” and release. Complete 6 of each for 3 sets.

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TRX Hi-Low Row

plank_pushup_db_front_raise_picIn the same body position on the TRX, walk your feet in a little more. Turn your palms face down and keep your core engaged. For your High Row, pull your elbows up high in line with your shoulders and squeeze your upper back together. For the Low Row, pull your elbows back past your rib cage and squeeze the middle of your back to engage. Alternate between your high and low row for a total of 12–15 of each and repeat for 3 sets.

Plank Pushup with DB Front raise Begin on your mat in a push-up position, hands slightly wider than shoulders with a dumbbell in each hand, abs engaged. (For beginners, modify by placing knees down on the mat and only add weight if you feel safe.) Bend elbows and lower down into a pushup, bringing your heart between your palms and push back up. Extend your left arm forward into a front raise and lower back down. Repeat your pushup and front raise on the right arm. Alternate for a total of 10–12 reps on each side.

Planking Single Arm Side Lateral Raise

Begin on your mat in a push-up position, hands slightly wider than shoulders with a dumbbell in each hand, abs engaged. (For beginners, modify by placing knees down on the mat and only add weight if you feel safe.) Extend your left arm all the way to the ceiling into a side lateral raise and lower back down. Let your gaze follow your working arm. Repeat on each side, alternating for a total of 10–12 reps on each side.

planking_single_arm_lateral_raise_picPilates Boxing

Come to a kneeling or standing position. Feet or knees hip-width distance apart, knees slightly bent with a forward hinge in the waist. Put up your fists and get to punching! Raise your fists to your shoulders and, keeping your elbows up, box your right hand forward. Bring your hands back to center and switch. Alternate boxing on each arm for 30 seconds. Keep those abs tight the whole time!

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