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The No Whey Challenge – Part Two

Watch what happens when a fitness pro replaces whey protein with Sunwarrior vegan protein as he discovers there is a better way than whey!

You might have read Part One of the challenge, introducing you to my amazing trainer, Jake, and explaining the project. But just in case, here is a summary: Fitness professional, bodybuilder, and 6’4” basketball player, Jake Forbis, was challenged to replace his whey protein shakes with Sunwarrior protein for 30 days. Well, this turned into a whopping 60-day project and had profound results.

So many bodybuilders and other fitness buffs from the professional to the weekend warrior hold a belief that plant-based protein is somehow incomplete or inferior. Despite firm scientific evidence to the contrary, these protein myths persist in gyms, locker rooms, dugouts, and living rooms worldwide.

There is also a common fear that vegan or raw vegan protein supplements will taste bad. People tend to fear what they haven’t tried.

What better way to bust the whey protein myths than to swap out whey protein for Sunwarrior?

When Jake started on Sunwarrior, I eagerly awaited his first feedback. Did he like the taste and texture? How about his strength and endurance? And how would plant-based protein affect his appetite? Would he feel unsatisfied in any way? I knew that for me, Sunwarrior has been both a delicious and satisfying form of raw vegan protein. But I wondered how a meat-eater would like it.

Jake started blending his two scoops of Sunwarrior vanilla Warrior Blend with one banana and water every day. Sunwarrior was the only protein powder Jake consumed during the challenge, and he really enjoyed it. He enjoyed the flavor and said he would have no issues with staying on Sunwarrior indefinitely. This was a pleasant surprise for me since Jake was one of those guys who loved his whey shakes!

In addition to getting positive feedback about the flavor of Sunwarrior protein, Jake found that its digestibility far exceeded that of dairy-based whey. Around halfway through the challenge, Jake was given a little bit of graham cracker-flavored whey protein by a friend at the gym, and it made his stomach sick! The heaviness of dairy was quickly rejected by his body as he went increasingly plant-based. Jake found Sunwarrior to be far more easily digested, leaving him with a feeling of fullness without being heavy or placing an unnecessary strain on his digestion.

Jake’s intensity of training was unfazed by switching to plant-based protein. His rigorous training continued, and he enjoyed normal progress. Two months isn’t a long time for anyone to make substantial muscle gains regardless of the kind of diet they are on, so this article is not about to make any crazy or unrealistic claims. That said, Jake’s strength continued to improve as usual, and the absence of whey protein had absolutely NO negative effect, despite the common fearmongering among whey lovers.

As a certified fitness professional and nutrition expert, Jake liked the amino acid profile of Sunwarrior and felt confident that it would well support his bodybuilding and other athletic endeavors. Take a look at all the impressive photos of Jake in this article as well as the video of him lifting weights at the end. His workouts are intense, and the results show!

Perhaps one of the greatest benefits to come from the No Whey Challenge was that Jake, being an avid meat and dairy eater, has begun to contemplate adopting more of a plant-centric diet. It appeared that his focus shifted to plants as he described many vegan meals and how much he has been enjoying plant-based dishes during the challenge timeframe. He has even expressed that he plans to go on both a vegan and raw vegan challenge in the future! This is an incredible and unexpected result, and I can’t wait to watch Jake continue to thrive on plants!

What a dedicated fitness professional Jake is, worthy of respect for being so open-minded. He is always learning the latest and best nutrition possible rather than sticking to the repeated nutritional dogma commonly handed down among the bodybuilding and fitness community.

The No Whey Challenge is one meant to raise awareness about the fitness industry’s arguably misplaced dependence on whey protein, offering a delicious alternative that anyone can try.

If you are reading this and fit into the category of the whey-obsessed, say “No whey!” today and give Sunwarrior a taste! Check out the nutrition information of each Sunwarrior product, read testimonials, get educated on plant-based fitness, and jump in to see for yourself. With so many varieties and scrumptious flavors to choose from, you’re sure to find the perfect fit.

Thank you so much to everyone at Sunwarrior, and to Jake Forbis, for making the No Whey Challenge possible!

Now check out Jake doing his thing in the gym at the close of the challenge!

No whey? NO PROBLEM!


Make sure to check out part one of the No Whey Challenge!

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