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Swapping Coffee for Tea

On the coffee versus tea smack down, the clear champion is tea. Do your body a favor and swap out your hot beverage choice.

We’ve heard the long, on-going debate on whether tea or coffee is better for your health. Many medical professionals agree that tea is a wiser choice because it contains certain beneficial properties that coffee does not. Personally, I gave up coffee three years ago, and it was one of the best decisions for my body. I had two cups daily (morning and afternoon), and I often felt a severe crash shortly after drinking it, leaving me feeling more tired and lethargic throughout the day. I also would get stomachaches, cramps, and random headaches — things I never felt on days that I happened to skip the coffee. I decided to cut it out of my life completely, and it was a decision that dramatically changed how I felt on a daily basis. Below are three of the top benefits to drinking tea, which might make you think twice about where you get your daily jolt of caffeine from.

Tea Better Sustains Energy Levels throughout the Day

While coffee is generally known to have a higher amount of caffeine per cup, it is more likely to cause the crash and burn effect. According to Stephen Cherniske in his book, Caffeine Blues, “caffeine affects almost every cell in your body because it triggers an artificial stress response that causes your adrenal hormones to surge.” Yes, this temporarily makes you more alert and awake, but the spiked levels of caffeine in coffee create an abrupt and altered state to the brain, causing it to become dependent on this false reality.

When the brain isn’t being fed caffeine consistently after consuming such high levels, it causes stress to your body: restlessness, irritability, migraines, and even exhaustion. Tea generally has lower dosages of caffeine than coffee, but it provides a more stable and long-lasting dissemination of energy, making it more impactful. This is because tea works with other compounds found naturally in it (that coffee does not contain) to create a more even spread of less aggressive caffeine. I drink a cup or two of tea a day, and I never have experienced the crashing effect that coffee gave to me. Remember that nothing in excess is recommended for your health, so still try to limit your consumption as you would with most things in your diet.

Full of Antioxidants & Hydration

According to The Institute for Cancer Prevention, “black and green teas contain antioxidants that are highly beneficial to our health – they modify the metabolism to detoxify harmful chemicals.” This helps protect your cells from damage and other mutations that cause cancer and chronic disease (such as Parkinson’s and heart disease). The antioxidants found in these teas also has some beauty benefits as they help with anti-aging and age reversal; they wage war on free radicals from attacking your skin. They can also fight against premature wrinkles, and they promote healthy hair growth and shine. Drinking tea also promotes hydration – something crucial for your skin and internal organs. According to the Mayo Clinic, consuming 500 mg. of caffeine a day or more can lead to dehydration. In fact, it’s believed that drinking coffee makes dehydration happen faster because the caffeine levels are so much higher.

Tea Boosts Metabolism and Aids in Weight Loss

One of the biggest appeals of tea is that it’s detoxifying so you aren’t as inclined to add to tea what you would normally mix in with coffee: sugar, flavored syrups, creamers, milks, etc. (also things not easy for the body to break down and digest). A little lemon or ginger squeezed into your warm beverage, and you are good to go! According to the Mayo Clinic, green and oolong tea specifically have been credited with helping lower cholesterol while cranking up your metabolism because they contain catechin, a flavonoid that increases the amount of energy your body uses, making it easier for your body to burn through excess body fat.

The benefits of drinking tea are endless, and if you’re having digestive problems with coffee, your stomach won’t feel heavy after drinking tea. I usually opt for green tea or matcha (which has a whole other slew of health benefits) and always choose to buy organic brands – the more natural, the more likely the product isn’t laced with anything added. If you’re curious to explore the world of tea, I suggest replacing one of your cups of coffee per day with tea to start. If you want to completely transition, work towards doing so with this routine! Cheers to exploring the world of tea!

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