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Pan Fried Tempeh & Smashed Purple Potatoes with Fresh Garlic & Rosemary

Hearty and wholesome, this pan-fried tempeh and smashed purple potatoes will make dinner a thing of beauty. The tasty kind of beauty.

This winter inspired recipe doubles as a wonderful side dish for non-vegans and a hearty, protein-packed main course for the vegans. So why a “not-really-meat” and potatoes dish you say? Because this time of year, I especially want a healthy, high protein, warm meal teeming to the brim with hearty, winter flavors. It’s just an added bonus that while all potatoes are high in potassium which helps protect and heal hypertension with the regulation of blood pressure, purple potatoes specifically are also very high in the antioxidant anthocyanin. This dish, however, you serve it will feed your body, feed your heart, and drop a little soul food for you, too.

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