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Osteoporosis: Reversing Bone Loss Naturally (Part 2)

Osteoporosis, a brittle bone condition, is on the rise. The good news is that the condition can be reversed naturally! Stop bone loss now.

Step 2: Retard Bone Loss

Of course, anyone facing bone loss will likely be concerned with making sure any further decline is halted in its tracks. Also, as most people reach their peak bone density in their late 20’s, keeping bone loss at bay isn’t just important for those affected by osteopenia or osteoporosis. It’s important for everyone to maintain proper bone remodeling and function through their lifespans. Ensure that your bones stay strong and supple!

Maintain a Healthy Diet

Avoid mineral-robbing foods

Refined sugar, high fructose corn syrup, and the foods high fructose corn syrup hide in like soda pop.

Curb caffeine, specifically from coffee (sorry java lovers!)

Coffee has been shown to leach calcium from bones and create an overall acidic state in the body, which disrupts mineral balance.

Avoid Iodized table salt

High sodium diets can disrupt mineral balance as well, so make sure you use mineral rich sources of salt such as Celtic sea or Himalayan, and use modestly, as needed to taste.

Eat helpful foods

  • Green leafy vegetables (kale, spinach, collards, etc.) are high sources of plant-based calcium and vitamin K
  • Cruciferous veggies, especially in fermented form, are high in vitamin C and sulfur, contributing to the collagen matrix
  • Nuts and seeds, such as pumpkin and almonds, can be high in magnesium and potassium and a decent amount of plant protein

Adapt a plant-based diet or make the majority of your meals from the plant kingdom to keep protein levels in check. As many vegans and vegetarians know, the RDA for protein is actually a bit more controversial in regards to maintaining muscle and bone mass, and excess nitrogen in the blood can often lead to more damage than good. Making sure to get a reasonable amount of protein at each meal versus having a protein-heavy meal is a smart option when considering keeping bones strong.

Lifestyle Modification

Lifestyle changes are a dreaded topic for many. But when it comes to maintaining healthy bones for life, sometimes dramatic changes are warranted. Here are a few must do’s or definite don’ts for those especially at risk as well as those who want to make sure they never fall into that gray area of bone health:

  • Don’t smoke
  • Don’t drink alcohol (or severely limit)
  • Don’t do drugs
  • Don’t do heavy, frequent, high-impact exercise (think plyometrics on a cement floor)
  • Don’t be sedentary; move it or lose it!
  • Do get enough sunlight and outdoors time each day (10–15 minutes is a good minimum)
  • Do eat nutrient rich, organic food
  • Do get enough sleep each night to allow for proper rest and tissue regeneration
  • Do drink plenty of water
  • Do believe in healing and that your body can regenerate and renew itself!


As always, prevention should be the foremost concern. Hopefully, this article has helped you recognize ways you can improve your own bone health and get back on the road to a stronger, healthier body.

So to wrap it up, here are some simple steps to ensure that you’re on the right track to building and keeping healthy bones for life:

  • Maintain proper pH balance in the body by eating a high alkaline diet and decreasing acidifying foods and lifestyle practices
  • Exercise, exercise, exercise!
  • Keep stress levels low
  • Ensure proper mineral levels by eating as close to nature and organic as possible
  • Get some sun! Bones love vitamin D, and make sure you supplement in the winter months or if you live far north of the equator

Check out Step 1 where we discuss growing bone!


  • http://www.mayoclinic.org/diseasesconditions/osteoporosis/basics/definition/con20019924?utm_source=Google&utm_medium=abstract&utm_content=Osteoporosis&utm_campaign=Knowledgepanel
  • http://www.iofbonehealth.org/factsstatistics
  • http://foodmatters.tv/articles1/thetruthaboutcalciumandosteoporosis
  • http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/17308163
  • http://www.naturalheightgrowth.com/2012/09/12/thewolffslawonbonetransformationandremodeling/
  • http://www.wallerwellness.com/healthaging/10waystopreventorreverseosteoporosis
  • http://drsircus.com/medicine/magnesium/calciummagnesiumbalance
  • https://health.clevelandclinic.org/2014/09/sodasteaandcoffeewhichcanloweryourbonedensity/

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