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Feed Your Kids Right, from the Beginning

As a parent, it’s your responsibility to see that your child gets all the nutrition they need for a healthy life. Follow these tips to get them started right.

Babies and Food

baby_girl_yum_food_mashed_puree_vegetable_fruit_rice_cereal_teeth_highchair_feed_nutrition_picAs parents, you are in charge of your baby’s health behaviors starting right from the time they are born. The time to begin introducing solid foods and weaning them off of breast milk is the perfect time to properly introduce healthy whole foods—it’s never too early to start! This time of your baby’s young life can be very stressful and overwhelming for you, the parent, when it comes to determining what they will eat and choosing the best time to introduce the chosen foods.

Typically, infants begin on solids from about six to nine months old. It is wise to wait this length of time to ensure your baby is ready because they need adequate time to fully develop the enzymes needed to properly digest solid foods. If you jump the gun and begin before six months, your baby has a potential increase in the risk of infections, allergies, sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS), iron deficiency, and gastroenteritis. It is best to wait as long as you can and think through your approach because there are some foods that should be introduced before others.

Why should we wait to introduce solids?

  • A baby’s intestines are immature
  • A baby’s tongue thrust reflex hasn’t developed and the swallowing mechanism is immature
  • The baby needs to be able to sit up

Now that you’ve waited the six months or so, how do you determine when your baby is ready? Take note of when your baby seems to take interest in the solid foods on your plate, observing what you are eating, and when they make chewing motions. Typically this will happen when they develop their first few teeth.

What foods can your baby begin with?

mom_baby_food_breastfeed_milk_bond_healthy_picWhen it comes to introducing solid foods, you always want to begin with soft, nutrient dense foods like pureed bananas, avocados, and apple sauce. This is a transition period from breast milk to solid foods, so it’s important to ensure the foods are soft so the baby can begin to learn the textures of the foods. After a month or so at the soft foods stage, more foods can be introduced, including mashed sweet potatoes or rice cereal, as well as mashed peas or green beans.

At the beginning stages of the introduction of solid foods, babies do not require a lot of variety. The mother’s breast milk is still providing most of the calories and nutrients, so the new solid foods are acting as a supplement.

Foods to Avoid at the Beginning

However, certain foods should be avoided when introducing solids to babies, usually for allergenic reasons. Since this will be the baby’s first time being exposed to anything other than breast milk, it is important to talk caution. Here is a list of foods your child should avoid until 12 to 18 months old:

  • Honey: can cause botulism
  • Strawberries and kiwi: allergenic
  • Tomatoes: too acidic, which can cause an unpleasant rash on their faces and bums
  • Citric fruits: a drop of lemon and lime at most!
  • Nuts: allergenic, pay attention to your family history of nut allergies and sensitivities
  • Wheat (gluten): introduce gluten-free grains first and observe your baby’s reactions for signs of celiac disease

Tips to Take the Frustration Out of Feeding

Introducing solids can feel like a frustrating process, learning about your baby’s desires and needs. Below are some tips to help make this process a more enjoyable one for both baby and parents:

  • baby_boy_eat_food_dislike_gross_puree_highchair_lunch_breakfast_picIt takes babies eight to twelve times of trying a food to adapt to the new flavor, so patience is key! Keep on trying!
  • When milk supply is low, this is your time to introduce and feed solid foods.
  • Feed one new food at a time and avoid overwhelming the baby.
  • If your baby is cranky or sick, skip introducing something new; it will save you a lot of frustration.
  • Leave plenty of time for feeding, because it’s a long process. Take your time because you want this experience to be a positive and successful one for you and your baby.

One last piece of advice is to remember to continue to encourage nutritious, whole foods as your baby continues to grow beyond the initial introduction of solid foods. Never stop feeding them the fruits and veggies they once at in pureed form, because they won’t want to go back!

Tips for Whipping up Your Own Baby Food!

baby_food_puree_carrots_peas_dragonfly_art_mash_vegetables_green_orange_picWhen it comes to making your own homemade food, you want to choose the best quality organic whole foods.

Peel, core, and chop fruits or vegetables into smaller cubes so they steam more quickly.

Fill a saucepan with enough water to steam and not completely evaporate. Bring the water to a boil. When the water is boiling, put the fruit or vegetable into a steamer basket and place it over the water. Steam on medium heat until the fruit or vegetable is tender.

Empty the contents into a bowl and mash by hand, or toss in a blender or food processor before adding any water. Add water by very small amounts until you get the consistency you want. Puree until it’s the texture of a smooth, thick soup.

Need some exercise? Give these tips to exercise with your baby a try!

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