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Detox Papaya Spinach Gazpacho

It's not often you find a tasty detox option, but this papaya spinach gazpacho helps with detoxification and reducing inflammation, and tastes delicious!

spinach papaya gazpacho_3 picThis soup is yummy, easy, and very detoxifying because of the high enzyme profile of papaya, which helps with digestion, detoxification, and reducing inflammation. It is delicious and satisfying, too, because it has anti-inflammatory hemp seed protein in it.


Don't throw away the papaya seeds; they are excellent for detoxification and digestion. I usually throw them in the blender with my soups, smoothies, or salad dressings. They have a bitter, black pepper taste, so don't put all of them in the blender (I have learned that the hard way). Usually, 1–2 teaspoons is great with no overpowering taste. You can save the rest and freeze them for later use, or dehydrate them in a dehydrator till crispy, and then blend into powder with coffee grinder. (I have a grinder that I use just for nuts, seeds, herbs, and cinnamon sticks). Store papaya powder in a container or shaker, and sprinkle on your foods to enhance digestion.

spinach papaya gazpacho_pic

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