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Detox Naturally and Safely

Seasonal cleanses can have enormous benefits, but it’s best to cleanse naturally and safely. Let Jason Wrobel teach you how!

TV host and author of the book Eaternity, Jason Wrobel, is hitting the medium screen, aka YouTube, to bring you delicious eats and sage health advice mixed with his unique brand of enthusiastic humor. Today is all about detoxing your body naturally and safely, without falling into the traps that lurk for detoxers in chemical drinks, pills, and diet fads. J-Wro is a fan of seasonal cleanses, taking advantage of the changing seasons to help his body make the transition too, usually with a five to ten day cleanse. Even if you are a clean eater, you can still build up toxins, metabolic waste, free radicals, and other junk over time from environmental contaminants. Here’s how to do it right.

If you’ve never done a cleanse before, start gradually. A three to five day cleanse may be closer to what you need and can handle. Include the advice and tutelage of someone in the naturopathic industry. Jason’s favorite kaleidoscope of clean foods, supplements, and protocols for a seasonal detox follows. Start your day with 32 ounces of filtered water with a splash of fresh squeezed organic lemon juice or apple cider vinegar. Your body repairs itself while you sleep and needs the help to clean things up in the morning. Jason then does all or mostly liquids for the entirety of the cleanse, relying on fresh juices. Soup broth made from root vegetables can be helpful too, especially during the winter. Ground psyllium husk provides fiber to scrub your digestive system. Drink plenty of water throughout the day.

Non-food therapies can speed your cleanse too, like far infrared saunas, chlorophyll from chlorella and cilantro, fulvic acid, dry skin brushing, massage therapy to release lymphatic stress, and plenty of rest. Take time off work and meditate if possible. After the cleanse, don’t jump back to the junk foods right away. Take it slow. Enjoy your cleanse!

Take a food trip to the mediterranian with these mediterranean sweet potatoes!

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