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Blessing Bags

Wanting to feel good? Do something good. Give a blessing bag and spread the good to everyone!

The holidays being several months behind us does not mean that you have to stop giving. There are still many people in need. I want to share what I do year round to help others in need when I am on the go. It is called blessing bags. It’s simple to help someone less fortunate. Depending on the time of year, I make these blessing bags according to the season. I keep them in my car, and when I see someone in need, I pass it out to them. You never know who you will meet who needed that bag badly.

What is a Blessing Bag?

A blessing bag is a recycled plastic or paper bag of goodies for people in need. I put toiletries and snacks in them. I usually make them up for homeless shelters in my city, but I also keep some of them in my car for when I see homeless people on the street. I live in the busy city of Dallas and always pass out a few bags a month while waiting at the red lights.

What’s in a Blessing Bag?

I like to put sample-size toiletries like toothpaste, toothbrush, shampoo, conditioner, soap, a small bottle of water, a protein bar, and some socks. I also like to add some money to it too. It can range from $2 to $20. I like to include quarters in case they need to use the laundry mat to wash their clothes. If it’s winter, I add a beanie and some gloves. If it’s summer, I add a t-shirt, sunscreen, and a water bottle for them to refill. I also like to write them a note of encouragement.

Blessing Bag Basics

  • Sample sizes are the best:
  • Toothpaste
  • Toothbrush
  • Shampoo
  • Conditioner
  • Band-Aids
  • Lip balm
  • Sunscreen
  • Protein bar
  • Bottle water
  • Trail mix
  • Some cash or change
  • Socks
  • T-shirt
  • Gloves
  • Hat
  • Note of encouragement

Blessing Bag Parties

A fun community activity is to have a blessing bag party. Gather and create a list of items to put in the blessing bags. For example, if you have twenty people coming, that’s twenty items you can put in the bag. Assign one person in the group to pick up the travel size toothpaste, another person to pick up travel size shampoo, and so forth until everyone has an item to bring. You can donate them to a homeless shelter or keep them in your car for when you see someone in need.

Notes of Encouragement

It doesn’t matter where you are in life; people need encouragement. A handwritten card to someone who is at their lowest point can help lift their spirits. It is nice to read something special that someone took the time to write. I like to write different notes of encouragement and put them in each of the blessing bags.

You never know whose life you are going to help at that moment. Go out there and help the world!

Bless you,

Marzia Prince

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