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Beating Allergic Diseases Holistically

Your body knows what’s good for you which means it knows plants are good for you. This is how you can beat allergic diseases holistically!

Did you know over 60 million Americans are suffering from allergic diseases? The diseases arise in the body, producing an immune response that includes but is not limited to sneezing, shortness of breath, itchy skin, or watery eyes. On average, people are allergic to two or three different sources, typically from food, grasses, animals, or even dust mites. Lucky for us, research studies are setting the stage for holistic treatment options for these uncomfortable and sometimes deadly conditions.

Twenty patients with skin allergic eczema were placed on a predominantly low-calorie vegetarian diet for two months, and their disease rating drastically cut in half. These results are comparable to the findings after patients in the double-blinded study took 5mg of a skin inflammation drug, cyclosporin. The drug produced quicker results, within two weeks’ time; however, since the main side effect included kidney failure & cancer, the drug was considered a class one carcinogen, the dietary option is absolutely preferable. Adopting a diet limiting meat appeared to show rapid results without the harmful side effects.

Next, researchers studied a vegan regimen with another allergic disease, asthma. The patients of this study included thirty-five men and women with long-established-verified bronchial asthma within the 2–33 year time span (average of 11.9 years). The fairly advanced asthma patients were on an average of four medications, including cortisone, and some were on as many as eight and still not experiencing health improvements even with all their medications. These unhealthy individuals were placed on a vegan diet, and the results speak for themselves. Within the twenty-four patients who were able to complete the study & adhere to the diet, 71% reported improvement at four months and 92% percent at one year. They did all this with diet alone.

According to this study "Concurrently with this improvement, the patients greatly reduced their consumption of medicine. At one year, four patients had completely given up their medication. The majority had reduced their medication by 10%–50% of the original level and only two had an unchanged medicine consumption. May patients said that their improvement was so considerable that they felt like "they had a new life." Pretty amazing, right?!

In almost all cases the medication was reduced or decreased completely, and the patients began to regain health through the power of a plant-based diet. In addition to the asthma symptoms dissipating, the inherently healthy lifestyle produced a cascade of additional powerful side effects. Patient's cholesterol improved, blood pressure stabilized, and they lost an average of 18 pounds per person.

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O.Lindahl, L.Lindwall, A.Spangberg, A.Stenram, P.A.Ockerman. Vegan regimen with reduced medication in the treatment of bronchial asthma. J Asthma. 1985 22(1):45-55.

T Tanaka, K Kouda, M Kotani, A Takeuchi, T Tabei, Y Masamoto, H Nakamura, M Takigawa, M Suemura, H Takeuchi, M Kouda. Vegetarian diet ameliorates symptoms of atopic dermatitis through reduction of the number of peripheral eosinophils and of PGE2 synthesis by monocytes. J Physiol Anthropol Appl Human Sci. 2001120(6):353 - 361.

J M Sowden, J Berth-Jones, J S Ross, R J Motley, R Marks, A Y Finlay, M S Salek, R A Graham-Brown, B R Allen, R D Camp. Double-blind, controlled, crossover study of cyclosporin in adults with severe refractory atopic dermatitis. Lancet 1991 338(8760):137 - 140.

P Krupp, C Monka. Side-effect profile of cyclosporin A in patients treated for psoriasis. Br J Dermatol. 1990 122 - Suppl - 36:47-56.

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