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Awesome 3 Purpose Workout and Sweet Potato Smoothie

Get ready for a fast and full workout, and recover with a yummy sweet potato smoothie.

This short and intense workout optimizes a combination of strengthening and fast movements, and can be used in three different situations:

  • workout_women_man_squat_muscle_lean_tone_gym_exercise_picAs a warm up when feeling energized, prior to your regular routine.
  • When short on time or not feeling 100%. Set your mind for a 20 minute short workout and that’s it.
  • To build up your stamina and keep moving. This short workout can change your mood.

1st Round: No rest between each exercise and only 1 minute rest between rounds

  • 30 jumping jacks
  • 30 step ups with weight (lightweight bar, dumbbells, or plate)
  • 30 kettlebell swings
  • 30 squats drop, hold 1 sec & up (light weight optional)

kettlebell_swing_exercise_weights_workout_gym_woman_muscle_pic1 minute rest

2nd Round: same as 1st round, 25 reps each exercise—slightly heavier weight if using any

1 minute rest

3rd Round: same as 1st and 2nd round, 20 reps each exercise—increasing weight if using any

1 minute rest

Congratulations! You have completed 300 reps. Now it is time to decide: continue with your regular routine, keep moving, or stop and rest. No matter what you decide, you deserve this recovery drink.

Sweet potato is well known as a source of complex carbohydrates, carotenoids, and fiber that, along with a serving of protein and papaya seeds for an extra enzyme boost, will put your digestive system in a great mood and condition! We’ll boil the sweet potato since boiling decreases the glycemic index. GI boiled is 46 while the same potato baked is 94. A lower G.I means lower impact on your blood sugar.

These tiny papaya seeds possess so many benefits that it is really worth it to try adding them to your diet on a daily basis. It can be added to your daily green smoothie or protein drink, or dried and ground and used it in place of black pepper.

sunwarrior_smoothie_sweet_potato_papaya_seeds_protein_picSweet Potato Sunwarrior Protein with an enzyme boost


  • ¼ cup sweet potato boiled
  • 1 scoop Sunwarrior protein of your choice
  • About ½ tsp of papaya seeds
  • ½ cup of water & ice cubes optional


Blend all together until nice and smooth. Pour into a glass and enjoy!

*Tip: Boil a large amount of sweet potatoes peeled, portioned in 60gr bags and keep them frozen

* Tip: once you cut the papaya in half scoop out the seeds rinse them and portion in equal amounts on each sweet potato bag ready to put in the freezer, it can also be dehydrated in very low setting overnight or air dry and keep them in the fridge or ground them up.

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