
Fact or Fiction—good oral care gets rid of chronic bad breath.

Everyone has bad breath sometimes. It’s just a fact of life. If you’ve eaten foods that contain sulfur—such as onions, garlic, or broccoli —you’re going to have bad breath. You probably already know this. But you might not realize that other foods also lead to a smelly mouth. These include dairy, fish, and meat.

Sugar also contributes to how your breath smells. Sugar is a breeding ground for bacteria, which is what really causes bad breath. Bacteria like to live in the folds in your tongue and the plaque on your teeth. This is why your dentist tells you to brush and floss twice a day. Brushing and flossing gets rid of the bacteria in your mouth.

Brushing your teeth, using mouthwash, and popping breath mints cover bad breath temporarily, but they don’t eliminate halitosis.

Halitosis is the medical term for chronic bad breath. You might take excellent care of your teeth—brushing and flossing them daily, seeing your dentist twice a year, and using mouthwash after every meal—and still have bad breath.

What causes halitosis?

Bad breath is usually caused by eating certain foods. Chronic bad breath, or halitosis, is caused by what’s happening in your body. Food intolerance, Candida , lack of minerals , and intestinal toxicity are all major causes of halitosis.

Food Intolerance:

If you are allergic to certain foods then your body can’t break them down and utilize their nutrients properly. Not being properly broken down causes these foods to rot. They rot right in your intestines, causing your breath to smell.

The cure for this is to eliminate these foods from your diet.

Not Enough Minerals:

Being healthy is more than just eating right. Being healthy includes having a “mineralized” body. If you don’t have enough minerals in your body, it can’t function properly and this can then lead to halitosis.

The most effective minerals come from plants grown in mineral-rich soil. It isn’t always possible to know if the plants you consume have these valuable minerals, so it’s a good idea to take an ionized mineral supplement—for the health of your body and your breath.

Several minerals are especially beneficial in overcoming halitosis. These include zinc, iron , silicon dioxide, and kalium phosphate.


Candida is a yeast that lives in the mouth, throat, and intestines of most people. It’s a normal part of being a human. It doesn’t trouble most people, but if you suffer from halitosis, you might have a Candida imbalance.

Candida overgrowth is called Candidiasis. This happens when your immune response is compromised. Eating plenty of probiotic-containing foods helps control Candidiasis. Probiotics correct any microflora imbalance you may have in your intestines.

Intestinal Toxicity:

You might not realize that your body is like a port-a-potty—a small septic tank on legs. Just like you regularly clean your toilet, it’s a good idea to regularly clean your body.

You see, as food goes through your body, not all of it is decomposed and used. Some of it decays and accumulates in your intestines. This leads to autointoxication, or self-poisoning. The toxins produced by this decaying material can be carried by the blood stream to all parts of the body, like your lungs and skin. When you breathe, the odor of toxic decay emanates from your lungs as bad breath.

You can clean your body with a colon cleanse. A colon cleanse gets the toxins out of your system and gets rid of the things that make your breath smell bad.

How can you overcome bad breath?

There are several ways to overcome bad breath. They include:

1. Maintaining good oral hygiene. Brushing your teeth and flossing twice a day. Using mouthwash after every meal. Visiting your dentist for a teeth cleaning twice a year.

2. Eating a healthy diet full of probiotics, and digestive enzymes . Digestive enzymes come from green leafy vegetables, whole grains, and some tropical fruits. Probiotics are contained in foods like unpasteurized kefir from coconut water, raw milk, nut milks, and other fermented foods.

3. Drinking plenty of water. Water not only helps eliminate waste from your system, it also keeps the bacteria in your mouth at a minimum.

4. Consuming ionized minerals daily.

5. Having a colon cleanse on a regular basis. Depending on your health, this is something you should do 2-4 times a year. If you haven’t ever had a colon cleanse, or if you eat a diet full of processed foods, then you should cleanse your body four times per year.

So the fact of the matter is…good oral care doesn’t get rid of deep down bad breath. It just masks it. Work on all the aspects that contribute to halitosis, not just one.

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