I’ve always been all about making breakfast as fun as possible without any artificial colours or unnatural ingredients. As someone that grew up on lucky charms and other sugar-laden cereals – this breakfast bowl is the perfect new age version of a “healthy cereal”.
If you are looking for an easy, high protein, high fat, low sugar, no grain way to get your breakfast in, this bowl will become your new best friend in the mornings. It actually makes a pretty great afternoon snack too!
It’s not only super easy to make, but it’s beyond nourishing – especially with the addition of phycocyanin (a blue algae that is an accessory pigment to chlorophyll with all the same benefits). It will power you up with the fuel that you need to get through your day. You won’t experience any blood sugar crashes or cravings with this balanced bowl.
You can top it with anything your heart desires to give it extra color, crunch and texture. I also like to add in a boost of protein with a scoop of Warrior Blend.
If you have been stuck on oats for years, chia is a perfect grain free substitute that is full of nourishing healthy fats and fiber. It’s also pretty fun to look at and even more fun to eat as the texture is quite chewy and nutty. Chia really does grow! What you think looks like a small amount of seeds added to a bowl, once you add liquid it will completely double in size!
So if you are ready to make this bowl, here is what you will need: