Seven Golden Rules of Healthy Foods (and Why to Honor Them)

It’s frustrating and unnecessary to be held back from the life you want by an unhealthy body, so take control with these seven rules for eating healthy.

Countless people struggle with health issues that cause grief in everyday activities meant to be enjoyable, and even essential, in our life, including:

  • Eating a great meal
  • Walking
  • Relishing in a full night’s sleep

Chronic bad habits have people feeling chronically lousy. However, we are creatures of habit and are often emotionally addicted to our routine, so we resist changes of any kind and dismiss the power behind simple changes to improve our health.

My challenge for youis to commit one week to attentive self-care with easy-to-implement suggestions that are sure to have you feeling and looking better, all within seven days, perhaps even less! As a whole-self lifestyle wellness coach and culinary nutritionist, I offer seasonal clean eating detoxes and witness clients marveling at how much better they feel within days of implementing better habits. This can be your experience too.

Read on and map out your own plan to doing better so you can be better in mind, body, heart, and spirit.

1. Eat a Rainbow Assortment of Veggies and Fruits, at Least 1/3 Uncooked

  • Helps prevent many chronic diseases like heart disease, cancer, stroke, macular degeneration, cataracts, etc.
  • Provides the full spectrum of plant pigments for powerful antioxidant effects.
  • Provides phytonutrients (carotenes, chlorophyll, flavonoids, fiber, enzymes) to fight disease and slow down the aging process.
  • Includes vitamins C and E and selenium that work in harmony with antioxidants to prevent free radical damage to cells.

2. Avoid Refined Foods and Carbohydrates:

Including: all refined sugars, sugar substitutes and conventional flour products of any kind like bread, bagels, pasta, rice, muffins, cakes, cookies, crackers.

These trigger a rapid rise in blood sugar, causing the body to boost insulin secretion which can lead to obesity, poor blood sugar regulation, impaired digestion and nutrient absorption, inflammation, diabetes, etc.

Sugar and over-refined grains feed cancer cells, cause unhealthy bacteria growth, and rob you of vital nutrients.

3. Choose Organic Foods

Buy local, in season, organic produce whenever possible. Most important produce to buy organic: organic dairy, soy, eggs, corn, wheat. (Refer to for great references.) These have the highest concentration of harmful substances and are linked to cancers and other diseases.

4. Reduce or Eliminate Meat and Dairy Consumption

  • Studies confirm the higher your intake of meat and other animal products, the higher the risk of degenerative disease, including heart disease and cancers such as colon, breast, prostate, and lung.
  • Animal products are fiberless saturated fats, void of antioxidants and phytochemicals that protect us from cancer.
  • Most feedlot animals are full of hormones, antibiotics, and carcinogenic compounds such as pesticides, herbicides, and fungicides. When grilled, fried, or broiled they are even more dangerous.
  • Dairy products have long been linked with inflammation and digestive issues that disrupt digestion and lead to weight gain.

5. Eat the Right Fats

  • Eliminate trans fats, long chain saturated fats, and all deep fried foods.
  • Reduce intake of omega 6 fatty acids found in meat and most vegetable oils including soy, sunflower, safflower, and corn. These are associated with increased risk for cancer and numerous additional health issues such as heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure, skin disorders, and diabetes.

Overconsumption of these is usually associated with deficiency of mono-unsaturated fats from nut, seed, and olive oil along with omega 3’s from flax, chia, hemp, camelina, and walnut oils.

6. Reduce Sodium Intake and Increase Potassium

  • High sodium and low potassium intake can cause high blood pressure and increase risk of cancer.
  • Choose unrefined sea salts. Keep intake of all sodium below 1500 mg and increase potassium with a natural foods diet abundant in vegetables and some fruits.

7. Drink Purified Water – Lots of It

While it varies from one person to another pending on your diet, activity level, climate, state of health, etc., aim for a minimum of 6–8 glasses per day to cover what is lost in urination, sweat, and breathing. I suggest clients drink one 8–10 oz glass for each waking hour, winding down closer to bed time.

Mild dehydration impairs physiological and performance responses.

Bonus: Food Allergens

Avoid completely or consume in moderation!

  • Top food allergens: wheat, corn, soy, dairy.
  • Other more common food allergens: eggs, nuts, shell-fish, and nightshades.


  • Fresh
  • Seasonal
  • Local
  • Living/enzyme rich
  • Perishable
  • Clean
  • Organic
  • NonGMO
  • Variety

Give it a try for a week, and let me know how you feel in the comments. I’d love to hear from you.

Try some of these recipes to help!

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