Know your nut milks and your health. Adding nut milk to your diet can add a number of health benefits.
Especially for those who are Vegan or lactose-intolerant, nut milks are a way for you to maintain your health. Have you ever casually strolled the dairy section of the grocery store and found that the attention is no longer focused only on dairy products? We’ve all seen this. It looks like non-dairy milks are beginning to overpower this section with a large array of plant-based milks: cashew, oat, pea, soy, hemp, hazelnut, coconut, almond, rice, and many more. The nutritional properties of nut milks or plant-based milks depend on the plant source, fortification, and processing. And, at its most basic, it is rich in minerals, healthy fats, vitamins, and protein. Enriched plant milks are a great alternative to milk from cows. Here are a few tips to help your shopping spree decisions:
- Generally, unsweetened is the healthier option as it contains less added sugars; therefore, it will not spike blood sugar levels.
- It’s important to buy plant-based milk from the section that is refrigerated; the plant-based milks that are shelf stable typically have artificial ingredients and many more preservatives to increase shelf life.
- If you have the time and ingredients, make your own nut milk. They tend to have many more major health benefits and are fresher than store bought.
Coconut Milk
This is the perfect substitute for dairy milk especially for those who lean towards thinner liquid consistency. Many well-known (unsweetened) coconut milk brands do not add sugar and are a great vitamin D source. Although coconut milk contains fat, it is primarily medium-chain saturated fatty acids which is considered healthy fat (MCFAs). These fats can assist the body in revving up metabolism and giving your body a boost of energy. Therefore, this can help your body burn more calories, which, in turn, aids in weight loss.
Almond Milk