Major changes can happen in your body when you cut carbs. Weight loss and good health are both carb related.
If you’ve ever asked someone how to lose weight quickly, the chances are they responded with “cut out carbs.” Swapping out carbohydrates for protein has long been used in a number of diets from Atkins to paleo and keto. Research has shown that low-carb diets not only help with weight loss but in keeping off the pounds too.
However, you need to be replacing carbs with the right foods. New research suggests that replacing carbohydrates with animal fat and protein is actually linked to a shorter life span. Eating a diet high in animal protein, particularly processed and red meat, has been shown to increase the risk of coronary heart disease .
Here are some of the changes that can happen in your body when you cut carbs:
- Start burning fat
- Stomach gets flatter
- Reduce insulin levels and blood sugar
- Reduce triglycerides
Good Carbs vs. Bad Carbs
Carbohydrates do play an important role in our diet and energy production. There are two main types of carbohydrates: simple and complex. Simple carbohydrates are sugars that provide quick bursts of energy such as sweets or white bread. Complex carbohydrates are whole grain and fiber-rich foods that keep you feeling fuller for longer such as whole wheat pasta and whole grains.