How Diet and Nutrition Affect Your Sex Life & Boost Performance!

We don't often think of sex in its most basic sense: physical activity. But that's exactly what it is, even when it transports you to magical out-of-body worlds of pleasure. As we continue to learn that there's a deeper connection between what, how, and when we eat with the state of our health, we must remember to include our sex lives in that equation.

The Link Between Diet and Fertility

It's no surprise that some of the top-selling pharmaceutical products are designed to enhance male virility. We love our sex; we just often have a hard time making it happen. Infertility rates in the last five years saw the biggest spike in more than 30 years, which mirrors the numerous diet-related illnesses dominating our nation over the same period (1/3 of adult Americans are now clinically obese!).

Clearly, diet affects our sex lives. But how, exactly?

Read more: Boost Sex Drive Naturally

Fertility and the Impact of Processed Foods

If your challenge is fertility, you have lots of factors to look to: a diet high in processed foods, trans fats, and artificial ingredients can spell disaster for your reproductive system. Processed junk foods are void of any real nutritional value, leading to deficiencies and illnesses. When our bodies are not healthy, conceiving a child is no easy task.

Packaged and processed foods come with another health threat: endocrine disruptors. Commonly found in pesticides and plastics used in everything from soda can linings to microwaveable containers, endocrine disruptors like BPA (bisphenol-A) and the pesticide atrazine have shown a strong connection with creating an imbalance in the body's hormonal system, which can greatly decrease your chances of becoming pregnant. Studies have shown that diets rich in vegan whole foods like fresh fruits, vegetables, and whole grains can reverse the effects of BPA exposure.

Performance Issues and Diet

If your issue is performance-related—be it impotence, exhaustion, or even the ability to climax—foods may also be to blame. A study published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine found that both men and women can experience a decrease in blood flow to the penis, clitoris, and vulva due to constricted blood vessels resulting from a diet high in cholesterol-containing foods like meat, eggs, and dairy. The decrease in blood flow can make sexual activity both difficult and less satisfying.

Similar to issues with conception, diets high in processed foods where chemicals and toxins may be present can trigger hormonal imbalances in the body that affect your mood or make it difficult to sustain sexual activity.

Improving Sexual Health Through Diet

Heart doctor and author Dr. Dean Ornish found that individuals on a low-fat, low-cholesterol diet scored better on overall health and fitness tests than meat eaters. But meat isn't necessarily the real culprit in a low sex drive or decreased sexual performance. The trigger is in not eating enough healthy, fresh foods and eating too much processed food.

Research has shown that foods high in the amino acid L-Arginine (think nuts, seeds, oats, leafy green veggies, root veggies, and beans) can improve male performance. Similar findings have connected healthy foods with improved fertility for both men and women.

Foods That Boost Mood and Sexual Pleasure

Foods that trigger chemicals in the brain (yes, I mean chocolate, read on!) can also get us more in the mood and help us enjoy our carnal pleasures even more. Chocolate is a great source of theobromine and anandamide, which boost the brain's serotonin levels, making us feel more in love. Regularly consuming chocolate (the good, pure stuff, not a KitKat bar!) can support our brain health and certainly our heart health, helping us to be more open and in the mood for lovemaking.

Read more: Foods to Boost Sex Drive

The Health Benefits of Regular Sexual Activity

This is especially important as so many Americans routinely deal with high levels of stress and anxiety that can make sex seem like an unrealistic indulgence. But FYI, regular sexual activity is actually one of the best things for your health! It has been shown to boost immunity and mood, help you maintain a healthy weight, make you a nicer person, and even a bit smarter, too.

So eat healthy, exercise often, and enjoy the benefits of a fabulous sex life!

Factors That Can Impact Our Sex Life

There are lots of factors that can impact our sex life, and our diet choices top the list. Here are seven of the most common ways diet choices can impact your sex drive.

High cholesterol = erectile dysfunction:

High cholesterol is the leading physical cause of erectile dysfunction and it's one of the leading health challenges in our country that is almost entirely dependent on our dietary choices. Foods high in trans fats (such as meat, eggs, and dairy) can clog our arteries, restricting blood flow and causing high cholesterol levels. Low blood flow means less blood can get down there where it's needed for men to make things happen.

Energy drain

Highly processed foods can take a toll on our bodies in a number of ways. The more fast junk food we eat, the more difficult it is for our bodies to digest. This can leave us feeling sluggish, tired and utterly not in the mood. Healthy whole foods, on the other hand, can boost our energy levels and leave us feeling ripe for a roll in the hay.

Immune boon

When we eat foods that are full of powerful immune enhancers, such as antioxidants found in most fruits and vegetables, we're at a lower risk of coming down with a cold or the flu, especially this time of year. So make sure you're well protected from bugs and viruses that can kill your love-buzz by eating fresh fruits and vegetables daily.

Foods affect your pheromones

Each of us give off certain 'scents' that send sexual signals out into the ethers. While you can't smell most of them consciously, the brain does pick them up and instructs the body to act accordingly. What you eat impacts your body's hormones and the pheromones. When your diet is toxic, so is your body's "odor," and it can be a turn off to others.

Eat for circulation

Literally spice up your love life by spicing up your own body's circulation with spicy foods such as cayenne, ginger, and even garlic (for those who dare). Healthy circulation stimulates blood flow to all parts of the body, especially those extra tingly spots. This can be a really useful tactic for women who have trouble achieving orgasm.

Eat the right fats

While many of us eat a lot of fatty foods, it's important you eat healthy fats, such as omega-fatty acid rich flax or hemp oil, olive oil, coconut oil, or foods like whole nuts, seeds, and avocados. Good fats play a crucial role in hormone function, which boosts your sex drive, while bad fats can drain you of the benefit.

Read more: 16 of the Sexiest Vegan Foods

Sexy foods make you sexy

How sexy is someone gnawing on gristle or a leftover chicken bone? What about a ripe, juicy peach, strawberry, or tomato? Fruits and vegetables consistently rank higher on the sexy food radar and for good reason! The more sexy foods you eat, the sexier you'll feel, and the sexier you'll be to your partner as well.

Which Vitamins Are Beneficial for Improving Sexual Performance?

Some vitamins are commonly associated with supporting sexual health and overall vitality. B-complex vitamins are known to play a role in energy production, while vitamin E, sometimes referred to as the "sex vitamin," is believed to support circulation and reproductive health.

To buy related products, you can refer to the plant-based supplements and vitamins page.

How Can I Address Erectile Dysfunction Through Diet?

Erectile dysfunction (ED) is a common issue, and diet might play a role in supporting overall health. Cholesterol-heavy foods, such as meat, eggs, and dairy, have been linked to cardiovascular health, which may influence blood flow. Focusing on heart-healthy foods, such as those rich in omega-3s like flaxseeds, walnuts, and avocados, may support circulation, which is essential for sexual health.

Can Vegetarian or Vegan Diets Help with Sexual Performance?

Adopting a plant-based diet could have various health benefits, potentially extending to sexual well-being. Plant-based foods are rich in nutrients like antioxidants, vitamins, and healthy fats, which may support hormonal balance and circulation. Some research suggests that reducing processed meats and dairy may promote cardiovascular health, which could have an indirect impact on sexual performance.

How Does Stress Affect My Sex Life, and What Foods Can Help Reduce It?

Stress is a well-known factor that can impact sex drive. Some foods, for instance, dark chocolate, have been associated with increasing serotonin levels, which may help improve mood.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do caffeine and alcohol affect sexual performance?

Caffeine, in moderation, may provide a temporary boost in energy, though excessive amounts could lead to restlessness. Alcohol, while it may lower inhibitions, is also known to reduce sexual desire and performance when consumed in excess. Keeping them in balance is key.

Do spicy foods (like peppers) influence sexual desire?

Spicy foods, such as cayenne and chili peppers, are known for increasing circulation, which might have an impact on sexual desire for some people. They also trigger the release of endorphins, potentially improving mood and relaxation.

Can medications and nutrition combine to improve sexual function?

A balanced diet combined with medications may support sexual function, but it’s always important to consult with a healthcare provider to ensure that any treatments or dietary changes are appropriate for your specific situation.

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