With the state of the planet being such a frequent topic of conversation these days, no doubt you’ve been hearing the term sustainable in relation to your food. In this case, sustainable means able to be maintained at a certain rate or level and we’re specifically concerned with our resources. The trick is to find the balance between choosing sustainable products that are also good for your overall health. When you’re deciding if a product is sustainable or not, there are a few things that you can look at. There is no one definition of sustainable food but a few factors come into play.
First, take a look at the farming practices. Sustainable farming aims to increase output while still taking care of the Earth. In this instance, this means using methods like This would use things like crop rotation and avoiding the use of monocrops, artificial fertilizers, pesticides, and genetically modified organisms. Instead of planting just one type of crop, planting varied crops helps to support biodiversity and soil fertility. Other sustainable practices include low environmental impact, protection of public health, good employment practices and community support.
Chemical fertilizers increase plant growth and vigor, but, at the same time, they also stop the plant from developing naturally good characteristics . Things like a solid root system and nutritional characteristics are affected. The chemically produced plant can then accumulate in the human body which can be very dangerous. When disposing of the waste from chemical fertilizers, it can result in water pollution, degrade soil health, and deplete the environment. Another thing to consider is the amount of animals the may consume chemically produced goods, which is another way that these harmful chemicals enter the bodies of humans and the gene pool of animals. This shows how just a few elements of unsustainable food production can impact both the environment and your health.