50 Holistic Family Outings & Activities for Summer: Part 1

Give your kids a time out—with YOU! Before summer is spent; make the time to spend with your kids creating active, fun memories!

Summer is in full swing, but school is calling your little ones back sooner than you think. It’s time to get your family time in while you still can. Make it active. Make it healthy. Make it fun. These are the memories you and your family will cherish forever.

We’ll help you out with a few ideas. Or maybe we’ll throw fifty at you, just for good measure. You get twenty-five today and twenty-five tomorrow.


Picnics are fun, plain and simple. They have a nostalgic feel to them that may be ingrained in our DNA. Take your family to the park or into the great outdoors for a meal.


Walking is good for you. Walking in nature is even better. It reduces stress, improves brain function, and strengthens the heart.


There’s something about abandoning civilization for a few days that refreshes and revitalizes the family and the soul. It can create some of the best memories for your children, too.


Sometimes you can’t take the time out to full on camp. Lay a blanket out in the backyard and take in the starlight. It fosters deep family conversations.


Children who garden eat their vegetables. They take ownership and pride in their food. It’s also great exercise.


Visit a nursery. Walk among the rustling leaves and let your kids touch, smell, and experience many of the plants they don’t get to see at home or at the park.


Encourage your kids to pick up sports, or take them to the fields to kick a ball around. It keeps all of you active and healthier.


Generosity is good for the body, too; service reduces stress and releases endorphins. Volunteer at a soup kitchen, community garden, or even church group.


Reading improves memory, cognitive function, and empathy. Treat your family to a night of books. And your local library probably has family night activities as well!

Kick the Can

This classic game encourages teamwork, healthy competition, and good fun. Teach it to a new generation and bring your neighborhood together.

Capture the Flag

This is another game that can bring generations together. It teaches strategy and patience while also increasing your activity levels.

Eat Out

Skip the fast food and try something new and exotic. You and your kids can benefit from trying something different for a change. It creates new neural networks in the brain, increases learning power, and can make your kids more adventurous and discerning adults later on in life.

Pound/Pet Store

Visit the animals. There’s something about a sweet furry buddy that reduces stress and blood pressure. Rescue one if you fall in love and are ready to teach your kids about responsibility and caring for another living thing.


Call your local firehouse; many do tours for families. You can introduce your kids to the men and women who fight fires, along with the cool trucks, sirens, and tools they use.

Cook Together

Experiment with new recipes or work on family favorites. Both teach your family how food works and to appreciate all the effort that goes into a good meal.


Take your family to the water’s edge, wherever that may be, to enjoy the sun, sand, and the beauty of our natural world. Don’t forget the natural sunscreen, and stay safe out there.


There’s something special about a family bike ride, whether it’s just around the neighborhood or through a national park. Wear your helmets.

Farmer’s Market

These markets pop up most weekends just about everywhere. Go pick up some organic, locally grown veggies, craft projects, homemade soaps, and much more.


Build a fort with your kids. Don’t have carpentry skills? Try making one out of bedsheets or cardboard. Your family will love it.

Scavenger Hunt

Take your kids to a park and hide clues. You can do it at home if it’s too hot out there. Make it fun and active.

Write a Book

Write a book together. Let your artistic kids illustrate it. You can bind it with string or even publish it, so your family can have copies forever.

Water Fight/Sprinklers

Break out the hose, beach pails, water guns, and sprinklers. Talk about a fun way to cool down!


Recycling can be fun. Make art out of things you might normally throw out.

Art & Craft

Kids love painting, building things, and seeing you share in their creativity. Break out the popsicle sticks, toothpicks, glue, pipe cleaners, finger paint, and the fun.

Build an Obstacle Course

You’d be surprised what you can put together with objects around your house and some ingenuity. Build a course and see how fast you and your family can run it.

Check out part two for another twenty-five great ideas on activities and outings for your family!

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