4 Pain Relief Exercises for Endurance Cyclists
May 13, 2015There’s no need to endure low back or knee pain. Whether you’re an endurance cyclist or not, relieve pain with a few of these exercises.
After ruling out disc injury via a medical professional, low back pain is often caused by a combination of over-tight hip flexors and weak glutes or hamstrings. The position on a bike puts the rider into repetitive, extreme hip flexion for long periods of time, placing the majority of the work into the quads and hip flexors. The hamstrings are often just along for the ride, and the low back will often begin to engage as the driving leg moves toward hip extension, firing pain signals by way of seeking relief.
Knee pain can often be a result of patellofemoral pain syndrome (PFPS), caused by pulling on the knee by a shortened iliotibial (IT) track, often courtesy of shortened lateral quad muscles and the tensor fascia lata (TFL). It can also be caused by torqueing forces on the knee created by postural compensations during repetitive knee flexion and extension. Check with your medical professional, but if you’re injury-free, try the following tissue release and strengthening exercises to relieve pain.
Plantar Fascia Release:
Place a golf ball or lacrosse ball under the ball of the foot and begin to stroke toward the heel. Work parallel with the foot, then create some perpendicular strokes across the bottom of the foot. Use enough pressure to create some discomfort, but not acute pain.
External Rotator and IT Track Release:
Releasing fascia and muscle fibers along the IT Track and hip external rotators/abductors can relieve low back, knee, and hip pain quickly. Use a foam roller to release the muscles, and then perform two to three minutes of cross body stretches, such as supine figure four or pigeon pose.
Medial Quad Release:
Laying on your belly on the ground, bend one knee toward your shoulder and place it on a high density foam roller (set up parallel to your body.) Gently work into the tissue of the inner thigh working from above the knee to below the hip crease.
Glute Bridges:
To get the hip into extension without using the psoas and to allow the glutes to fire properly, try a few reps of this glute bridge variation before hopping on the bike.
Laying on your back, place one foot on the floor and lift the toes (so just the heel is pressing down). Take the other leg and lightly
Tone abs and tighten your core with these bicycle exercises (without the bicycle)!