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Supergreens: What's So Super About Them?

"Super" means very good or excellent, and that's exactly what supergreens are—excellent! Supergreens are a type that are especially dense in color and flavor. This density of color and flavor is due to a higher concentration of nutrients, particularly phytonutrients. Phytonutrients are plant nutrients that are essential for human health and for preventing disease.

Supergreens are loaded with a wide array of vitamins, minerals, proteins, antioxidants, and enzymes that are easily absorbed by the body, which is what makes supergreens excellent. Because supergreens are so high in nutrients, they help to boost the immune system, reduce inflammation, and detoxify the body. They’re also a good source of fiber, a necessity for proper bowel movement and to decrease the likelihood of developing colon cancer.

Another benefit of supergreens are the digestive enzymes they supply the body with to help to digest foods, especially protein foods, properly. Without adequate digestive enzymes, food isn't properly digested and a number of health issues can result, from bloating to diabetes to aging.

The key ingredient that all supergreens have in common is chlorophyll. Chlorophyll is the substance that gives plants their green color. It has many benefits to health: it is a blood purifier, helps to manage bacterial growth, boosts the immune system, clears up skin, is an anti-inflammatory, and energizes the body. So, regularly consuming supergreens helps one to feel good on the inside and look good on the outside because of all the nutrients they provide! With all of these benefits it's no wonder that they are called "super" greens!

So what exactly are these supergreen foods? The grocery store has an assortment of dark green foods such as kale, chard, spinach, and lettuce, which are all great foods with their own set of health benefits. They aren't, however, supergreens. Supergreens typically refer to a small group of greens, namely: cereal grasses such as barley grass and wheatgrass, and microalgaes spirulina, chlorella, and wild blue-green algae.

Eating grass and algae doesn't sound very appealing, but they actually are quite easy to add to a regular diet. Because a small amount packs so much nutrition, a little bit goes a long way. Below are listed some ideas on how to easily add supergreens to your daily diet:

  • Drink a 1-2oz shot of fresh wheatgrass juice, usually available at local juice bars
  • Algae and cereal grasses are offered in powdered or tablet form
  • Green powders can be mixed with water or juice
  • Mix in fresh or powdered greens into a smoothie

It is beneficial to eat a variety of supergreens, instead of just consuming the same one or two. Though all the supergreens are 'super' and all have wonderful health benefits, each one provides different qualities than the other. Below is a brief description of the benefits of the different supergreens.

Barley Grass: Barely grass is a great alternative for those who cannot tolerate wheatgrass. It is milder than wheatgrass, yet slightly more bitter. Young barley leaves have a great ability to absorb nutrients from the soil. It is particularly helpful for improving stamina, sexual energy, clarity of thought, and skin texture, and it helps to reduce addiction to things that are bad for you.

Wheatgrass Juice: Wheatgrass juice is very concentrated, so much so that even just one ounce has therapeutic value. One ounce is believed to have the vitamin and mineral equivalent of more than two pounds of vegetables, and contains about 30 different enzymes! Wheatgrass juice is helpful at removing toxic metals from the cells, cleansing the lymph system, boosting immune function, and restoring balance and vitality to the body. Best consumed immediately after juicing.Spirulina: Spirulina is rich in chlorophyll, protein, beta-carotene, and the beneficial fatty acid gamma-linolenic acid (GLA). It also contains a pigment called phycocyanin, which is a strong antioxidant and anti-inflammatory. Some studies have even shown spirulina to help inhibit cancer formation. Because spirulina is so easily digestible, it is a wonderful source for quality protein.Chlorella: Chlorella is very similar to spirulina but it contains a little less protein, much less beta-carotene, and much more chlorophyll and nucleic acids. In fact, chlorella is higher in chlorophyll than any other food. Chlorella has a tough outer cell wall that helps to bind with heavy metals, pesticides, and other carcinogens and carry them safely out of the body. Italso contains healthy omega-3 fatty acids.Wild Blue-Green Algae: This algae grows wild in Klamath Lake in Oregon. Blue-green algae is a complete protein, meaning that it contains all of the essential amino acids. It also has high levels of B vitamins, iron, and omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. Blue-green algae helps vision to stay strong and helps to prevent macular degeneration, support liver health, lower cholesterol, and may help inhibit allergic reactions.Sources:"

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