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17 Reasons to Eat Your Broccoli, Health Benefits, and Recipes

Poor broccoli is one of the most often rejected foods on many kids’ and adults’ plates. It is held up as one of the most well-known health foods, so it is also quickly despised by those who are sick of healthy foods being shoved in their faces. That’s a real shame.

Broccoli has a lot to offer, both in the nutrients locked inside each green floret and in the flavors you can coax out of this relative to cabbage and cauliflower. Don’t give in to those negative feelings for this common superfood. It’s worth exploring.

  1. broccoli_bowl_table_full_spill_green_vegetable_healthy_picCancerBroccoli reduces inflammation and oxidative stress while aiding natural detox. Antioxidants like indole-3-carbinol protect against cellular damage that causes many cancers. Broccoli also contains glucoraphanin which is converted into sulforaphane, a sulfur compound that kills bacteria known to increase cancer risks. It also reduces damage from the sun, removes toxins, and regulates the methylation of DNA.
  2. CholesterolThe soluble fiber in broccoli binds to and removes cholesterol during digestion, especially when lightly steamed.
  3. Detoxify Glucosinolate phytonutrients, like glucoraphanin, gluconasturtiin, and glucobrassicin found in broccoli, help detox at the genetic level on up.
  4. Balance Vitamin DThe vitamin K and vitamin A in broccoli help control the levels and effects of vitamin D throughout the body.
  5. Anti-InflammatoryThe flavonol kaempferol reduces inflammation, combats allergies, improves heart health, and may even combat some cancers. Broccoli also contains some beneficial omega 3 fatty acids that reduce inflammation too.
  6. Antioxidant The antioxidant powers of broccoli deserve another mention since they help the body resist much more than cancer. Vitamin C and carotenoids like zeaxanthin, lutein, and beta carotene are plentiful in our friendly broccoli florets.
  7. Heart Sulforaphane reduces the inflammation of blood vessels and prevents or reverses the damage to the linings of these vital vessels. Lutein prevents the thickening of the arteries while B6 and folate help control heart palpitations.
  8. Blood Pressure The sulforaphane, potassium, calcium, and magnesium in broccoli all aid healthy and balanced blood pressure.
  9. broccoli_bowl_table_green_vegetable_picDigestionBroccoli is low in calories while rich in protein and minerals to keep you full and satisfied while your cells are well-nourished. The fiber aids digestion and prevents constipation too.
  10. Bones Broccoli is rich in vitamin K and calcium for strong, young, healthy bones.
  11. NervesThe potassium, healthy fatty acids, and B vitamins in broccoli are good for the nervous system, keeping those signals firing and our nerve cells healthy.
  12. ImmunityThe sulfur compounds in cabbage, cauliflower, and broccoli bolster the immune system and inhibit bacteria. Vitamin C, beta carotene, and the trace minerals zinc and selenium all play a role in immune system health too.
  13. AlkalizeThe nutrients and minerals in broccoli can help alkalize your system.
  14. ArthritisSulforaphane prevents cartilage destruction and acts as a mild pain-killer by reducing inflammation.
  15. Blood SugarThe fiber and chromium in broccoli aid in balancing blood sugar.
  16. Skin HealthSulforaphane prevents and repairs damage done to the skin by the sun, healthy fats keep skin supple and inflammation free, and vitamin C builds healthy collagen.

Broccoli is at its best as sprouts or microgreens, but it is still healthy steamed or lightly cooked. It is also more delicious than it gets credit for. Feel free to try these amazing broccoli recipes to see for yourself.


Raw Vegan Summer Recipe Fresh Broccoli Salad


Raw Vegan Cream of Broccoli


Vegan Stir Fry: Colorful and Delicious

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