Life is full of energy-drainers. Recharge your mind in 5 simple ways!
There is a great need to discuss a critical step individuals need to take in order to assess what is actually happening in the body and the mind that results in tension and stress. This is needed in order to make adjustments in our life that will ultimately assist ourselves in pursuing the proper course to respond to stress favorably. In today’s hustle-and-bustle world, we are all in such a rush to get more and more done. Because of our constant efforts to keep up with the rest of the world, we tend to forget we are only human and begin to neglect our overall wellbeing as we rarely take the time to consider how we could do things better. When it comes to manipulating our minds and bodies in how it responds to and handles stress, this is an essential component that offers the secret for molding better mindsets.
Simply Breathe
Become mindful of your breath. How does it feel? Is it heavy? Quick? Close your eyes and begin to draw your focus to your breath. It will start to slow down and deepen to a speed that is more curative. If you want to train and perfect breathing pace, you can count in and out to about 5. Relax. (Research has shown a breathing rate of about 5.5—6 breaths each second is perfect for parasympathetic/relaxation benefits).
Good Energy--Good Thoughts
Having good energy is having the proper energy, not only physically, but mentally as well in order to fuel your activities and prosper throughout the day. Your particular energy demands are simply unique for various times of the day and different than anyone else. The energy you specifically need to wake up in the morning quite peacefully, yet alert and prepared to tackle the day is not the same as the energy you need to sleep, or even mentally allow you to take care of challenging responsibilities.
The management of body-energy is that upon waking up and falling asleep your body and mind happily flow. Your mind must be in line with your actions--the body and mind must be in sync so each day will fuel the next.