How to Relieve ADD and ADHD without the Side Effects

With ADD & ADHD becoming a more prevalent issue, knowing how to relieve and cure it naturally is half the battle.

ADD & ADHD are two increasingly common mental health issues in both children and adults. While these two conditions are very similar, there is a slight difference. ADD stands for ‘Attention Deficit Disorder” while ADHD stands for “Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder.” The main difference is those with ADHD not only have trouble concentrating and focusing, but they also have the hyperactivity component.

If you or your child is diagnosed with ADD or ADHD, it may be tempting to opt for the medications. However, medications do not address the cause of the ADD and ADHD and can make matters worse by causing other negative side effects. Some frequent side effects of ADD and ADHD drugs include:

  • Sleep problems
  • Mood swings
  • Loss of appetite
  • Heart problems
  • Suicidal thoughts or actions

The terrible side effects of ADD and ADHD drugs can be prevented, and the issues related to ADD and ADHD can typically be prevented by lifestyle dietary changes and through use of natural remedies.

Here, we will guide you with some of the top food or food ingredients to avoid, which ones to eat often, followed by natural remedies for those dealing with ADD/ADHD.

Most Important Foods & Ingredients to Avoid:

  • Artificial food coloring (Red No. 40, Yellow #6, caramel coloring)
  • Artificial food flavoring agents (MSG, yeast extract, artificial flavors)
  • Artificial preservatives (Sodium Benzoate, Sodium nitrate)
  • Artificial sweeteners (Splenda, Ace-K, NutraSweet)
  • Processed sugar (sucrose, high fructose corn syrup)
  • Refined, white grains (white bread products)
  • Refined & highly processed breakfast cereals
  • High sugar foods (candy, baked goods, soda pop, processed fruit juice, fruit snacks)
  • Foods or drinks with caffeine
  • Conventional, highly processed dairy
  • Hydrogenated oils (trans fat)
  • Toxins found in processed foods (other synthetic, highly processed ingredients)

Most Important Foods to Regularly Consume:

  • Healthy fats (grass-fed butter, unrefined coconut oil, avocados, olive oil, raw nuts & seeds)
  • Fresh, whole dark leafy greens (spinach, collards)
  • Cruciferous vegetables (broccoli, cauliflower)
  • Quality, fresh protein foods (lentils, beans, eggs)
  • Foods high in iron (kidney beans, dark leafy greens, lentils, whole grains)
  • Foods high in probiotics (fermented foods, kefir, yoghurt, sauerkraut)

Recommended Supplements:

  • High quality fish oil
  • Vitamin B complex (ideally in liquid form)
  • Vitamin C
  • Magnesium & Zinc
  • Micronutrient powder or liquid
  • Choline
  • DMAE

Recommended Herbs:

  • Lemon balm
  • Bacopa
  • German chamomile
  • American ginseng
  • Rhodiola rosea

Additional Items:

It’s been found that kids who are on a regular schedule and have structure and order to their day and their lives are less likely to suffer with ADD or ADHD. Having a regular routine can help kids focus, learn better, and sleep better. In addition, make sure kids are going to sleep at the same time every night, which can help them maintain a good routine and helps them get a good night’s sleep.

There are also some essential oils shown to help with ADD and ADHD symptoms. The two main ones include vetiver and cedarwood essential oils. These can be used externally by rubbing on the neck and on up towards the temples. Some other essential oils that have shown benefits include lavender, peppermint, rosemary, frankincense, and ylang-ylang.

Kids also need some relaxation time. In our busy, hectic, and over-scheduled lifestyles, kids are more busy and stressed than ever before. Allowing time for them to relax, to play, to be outside in fresh air, and other natural and healthy activities will help them to keep their minds healthy and relaxed. Being outdoors can do wonders for the mental health of both children and adults! Other stress-relieving activities (such as massage, yoga, walks, and baths) does well for both children and adults and helping with ADD and ADHD symptoms.

Consume as many organic foods as possible, as the pesticides, herbicides, hormones, antibiotic,s and other chemicals found in non-organic foods can also lead to or worsen ADD and ADHD symptoms. Eating clean will help to relieve these symptoms.

The main thing to understand and consider is ADD and ADHD are typically conditions related to lifestyle. Poor nutrition, lack of exercise, and too much stress all equate to poor attention spans and too much energy. Fix the source of the problem and remove any need for prescription medications that can cause more harm than good!

Relax with some simple family time!

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